Dog Recovering From Pancreatitis & IBD
Posted by Michael Peterson on
My 16 year old dog, Casey, came down with Pancreatitis and IBD and my Vet suggested giving her several different medicines. I am not a fan of giving a dog medicine due to all of the side effects and all medicines are eliminated through the kidney’s. I joined a FB Pancreatitis group and everyone was talking about GastroElm Plus. Casey was lethargic, loss of appetite, nauseas, painful belly, depressed and she didn’t want to eat. She was so sick that I considered putting her to sleep to end her suffering. I watched a You tube video about Gastro Elm and after being sick for almost three weeks I decided to try Gastro Elm.
20 minutes after my sick dog received Gastro elm her appetite came back, it was a miracle! I gave my dog Gastro elm three to four times a day (one hour before every meal). By the second day of being on Gastro elm my sick dog came roaring back to life. Her energy returned, her nauseas abated, her appetite came back and I no longer heard any gurgling acidic noises in her stomach. Gastro Elm saved my dogs life. I now give her 1/2 teaspoon in the AM and 1/2 teaspoon before bed (with a snack). No more 5 AM bile throw ups and my dog now wakes up happy, wagging her tail and rolling on my bed. Gastro elm is by far the best holistic product I’ve found and I will always keep my dog on it for the rest of her life.
Thank you!